Tuesday, October 18, 2011

can't help myself...

sorry, it's not a get your ass up and dance around the room song.
BUT, if you were anywhere close to high school age when this video came out...
this was the greatest video EVER! in all it's ridiculously cheesy TEN MINUTE goodness!
i made my poor grandmother sit up with me to catch the premiere of this insanity on mtv all the way back in 1992. and you know what rosie said?
"what kind of a girl would wear a wedding dress that short? she looks like a little whore."
gotta love it.
so reminisce a little this morning, bunnies. back to a simpler time before axl rose had breakdowns (and botox!) and we still went to the store with our friends on the weekends to buy music.

1 comment:

  1. The hell? I did NOT remember that she died in this video. That's dark. Gives a little insight into all those stories about him beating her, though.
