Monday, January 24, 2011

what i learned in church today...

*if i came downstairs in jeans, a hello kitty tee, and a hoodie for church, my ma would have slapped my face.
*the catholics really really REALLY like fake burberry scarves.
*they certainly are making those "louis vuittons" much more genuine looking than they used to.
*there is an exhorbitant amount of faux designers goods at church.
*they still shake hands during cold and flu season.
*people don't teach their kids to cover their mouths (see reference to cold and flu season above).
*they still try to get money out of you twice.
*if a person wants to sit right up front, he/she couldn't care less about how late he/she is, and if he/she are disturbing your church going experience. or how loud the fake nylon of his/her jackets is.

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